Yes, we made it, and the trip was not without some bumps but the important thing is we are here and we get our little girl this afternoon. Here, it is about 7:30 am Monday morning, and it is about 5:30 pm Sunday, S'port time. So the good news is, we have actually made it to Monday before you guys and I am here to tell you, all is well with Monday just to let ya know (ha ha). I should have known that travel was not on my side when our first flight ran out of food before they got to us, I was hungry and could have cried like a two year old. I managed not to starve to death (lol) as they had some crackers and cashews (that is another whole story in itself, wink to my parents). Standing in line at the LAX International airport, waiting to check in for the long (16 hour) flight, we were told it was delayed and later it was indeed cancelled. I wanted to freak out but my hubby and son kept me in check. Yes, everything would be moved back a day, most likely, if we were lucky we could still make it by the day we were scheduled to get Brighton, but possibly not. Well long story short, the airlines put us and about 300 other Chinese travelers up in a hotel in Los Angeles. We were in a sea of Chinese speaking people during transit and in the hotel lobby, and if we hadn't been so tired, it would have almost been comical. We truly felt like we were already in China and we hadn't even left the good ole USA. The next morning we were to be in the lobby by 5:30 am, and my honey got in his head we were going to beat all the Chinese and be first in line so we were there by 5:00 am. The coast was pretty clear, and it looked like a victory for the USA (having an imaginary global competition). Feeling really good about our victory, we loaded the van for the airport. When we got there, there were a few "American" faces in the small crowd walking briskly to get in line, as we turned the corner thinking we had won the race, ALL the Chinese people were already there!!!!!! I looked at this American woman and said, "my gosh, what time did they have to get up! we had actually hoped to beat the Chinese here" to which she replied "good luck with that one!" we just had to laugh, because dang those folks don't play! After our long flight, which went really well and Nate was a serious trooper, we arrived in Guangzhou. Once again a sea of beautiful Chinese faces and NO ONE interested in helping us get to our next flight. Truth is we did not even have a "next flight".. Our flight was scheduled for earlier that morning, but we were still in air due to the previous flight cancellation. No one was able to book us a flight to our final destination from the USA side of the deal, so we were just told it would be booked once we got to China. In my mind, I envisioned us stepping off the plane, then being greeted by an English speaking airline worker who would personally deliver us to our ticket counter and make sure we had a smooth transition. Let's just say that was so far from what happened it makes me laugh now to think that we actually made it to Chongqing at the time we did. All I can say is God was watching over us, we must have looked pitiful, so a little man who just takes it upon himself to help lost looking people for tips, doesn't work for airport, HE is the hero in this story. This little man just took us across the airport to our counter which I can confidently say we would have NEVER found on our own. Not only that, he butted in line in front of EVERYONE, and believe it or not no one took him out. It was at this point I knew these people were much different from us. If that little man pulled those maneuvers where we are from, someone would have knocked his block off. With his line cutting skills and ability to race through the airport, caring not who he ran over in our path, we miraculously made a connecting flight to our final destination. I still can't believe we made it here, and the luggage made it here also. Crazy fun is all I can say. We were assured, by our adoption agency, when we arrived in Chongqing there would be a guide holding a sign with our name to take us to our hotel. Guess what, that didn't happen once again we join a huge line with the Chinese travelers, to get a taxi, which we have no Chinese currency to pay him with and no way to get it until we get to the hotel. It was finally our turn to get in the taxi, and I am sure we must have been a side show to those in the line. Our luggage is so big (darn Westerners that we are) it wouldn't fit in the cab. Only one suitcase would fit in the trunk. If you could have seen us pile in that little cab like sardines with our luggage, you would have laughed your head off. Literally, we could not hardly even see out the windows of the cab. Now lets talk about total trust. The driver could not speak any English, of course, so we try to tell him where to take us, no comprehendo!!! We give him a phone number of the hotel so he calls, they say something, mystery, he makes a few grunts and then we drive off into the night. We went to a place at least 40 minutes much driving and no communication, no sign of life at times, it was very foggy and spooky. After about 30 or so minutes we see a Huge city off to the right. Huge doesn't even begin to describe it, Mike says it is at least 10 times the size of New York. Our driver says something and points that direction, I felt good like we actually had made it to the city and we had in fact arrived. Mike exchanged money at the hotel and paid the man, so in the end that worked out well also. I was beyond excited to get to our beautiful room, it is sooooo nice. Then Nathan decides to skype the family back home. I was so happy to see them, and still thrilled over the nice room we had just checked into, I forgot that it was around 1:45 in the morning here. I was talking loud over skype, Nathan kept telling me to lower my voice but I didn't think it was that loud (ya know how some people talk so loud on their cell phones, that was me on skype). Any who, while I am having the time of my life with my mom and the kids on skype, we get a phone call....low and behold the neighbors had already called and complained about us. I was so embarrassed!!!! I have never disturbed the peace before in all my life. We hadn't even been here an hour and I am already ticking people off. I am going to try to do better today. I am a little worried that when we bring a crying baby back to the room, we may eventually get evicted (ha ha). Well need to go get breakfast....will get our little darling this afternoon, IF all goes according to plan. Still have not heard from our guide so hopefully someone will come for us. This is difficult, for type A people like me, to let go of control and go with the flow. Next post you will see our little red bird...this is a great day!!!
So glad you there. Laughing my little head off at your commentary. What a NEVER ENDING DAY TO BLAST OFF!